Switching your color by bleaching your hair can be seriously life-changing. Bringing some light into your life has the power to brighten your mood each time you look in the mirror. It’s also a thrill to see yourself in a different light. Although bleach creates a beautiful tone and color in our hair, beached hair must be taken care of by following these steps.
1. Wash your hair less
Don’t rush to over-wash your hair, after your salon visit beached hair is most vulnerable. Take advantage of that blowout and wear it as long as possible. Greece is nothing to be afraid of; just brush your hair frequently to evenly distribute the oils from your scalp to the ends of each strand. For the next few months, pushing the length between wash days can help your hair color

2. Use cold water
Unfortunately for all of us, hot water has the potential to pull out bleached hair color leaving it dull and dry. This happens gradually after each wash so if you’ve been washing with steaming hot water like the rest of us, don’t worry.
Cold water is compared to hot. We recommend lukewarm water to start and wash the soap out with a cold. Then put your hair up in a clip and shower per usual.

3. Use the right products
Blondes know that bleached hair requires a particular haircare product arsenal, so if it’s your first time, be sure to ask our stylists for healthy recommendations.
You’ll want some toner to keep your color looking bright,
purple shampoo to help prevent brassiness,
a gentle cleanser to prevent over-drying,
and a deep conditioning treatment to keep your hair nourished.
Using the right products is essential for keeping your bleached hair looking its best.

4. Trim your hair ASAP
If you’ve just lightened your hair, get a trim within a week to maintain your bleached hair and prevent frayed ends. Bleaching your hair weakens the ends and eventually splits the hair follicle. A trim will help remove any damaged or split ends, keeping your style looking neat and polished. Your hair will only keep growing healthy and strong if you take care of it.

5. Use less heat
Simply limiting the number of times you blow dry your bleached hair in the morning can make a huge impact. Consider air drying and using heat styling tools on special occasions. Even if that’s every weekend. Read our beauty blog post on the Best Ways To Protect Your Hair From Heat Damage.